Thursday, March 26, 2015

The World Cup Loss and the Bananas

Banana Bread

Hi..Considering the fact that I am an extremely Lazy person when it comes to writing, starting with a blog is one of the most unnatural things that I have done..
But all thanks to my friends especially NJd who has been really persuasive..
Well strangely I am starting this Blog on not one of those 'Happy' days in fact one which was thoroughly disappointing.. Yes The Indian Cricket Team got knocked out of the World Cup after losing to Australia in the semi-finals. I being an ardent fan of cricket just like most of my other fellow Indians, today was quite heart-breaking.
But then I thought so what can I do to lift up my mood.
Well for those who don't know me well, even when I am in the worst of moods if there is something which can make me smile instantly is GOOD FOOD!! Yes that's the trick and fortunately or unfortunately the Husband knows it very well..
A Magnum Chocolate Ice-cream Bar could suffice actually but then I thought no 'Lets Bake'..
Well again for those who are unfamiliar with my obsessions, Baking is one of them...
But it was already four in the afternoon and after an emotionally exhaustive day Thanks to the match I had to do something which was Quick Easy yet delicious.. (Well honestly the match is just an excuse I always tend to bake or cook things which are quick and easy-thanks to my Lazy bones)

I open the refrigerator and I spot the slightly over ripened Bananas (that were kept purposely to reach this state so that I could use them later for my Bakes)
Did a quick check for all the ingredients and thankfully all were available cause I was completely not in the mood to run down to the grocery store right now.
So immediately I grab all the ingredients and run to the kitchen to bake a BANANA BREAD..
Well a Banana Bread is more like a moist tea-cake and not so much like a bread unlike its name..
It is a really quick and easy bake without any special ingredients. Well its not my own recipe but I borrowed it from the website You can check out the video also. Well the quantities and baking time have been modified(keeping the same ratio) according to the amount of Bananas that was available with me.


Over-ripe Bananas
Getting started - Toasted Nuts (on the right)

Makes: Two 5.5 x 3 x 2.5 Inches Loaves 

80gms toasted and coarsely chopped Cashewnuts (you can use Walnuts also)

25gms Raisins

150 grams
all-purpose flour/Maida

100 grams granulated white sugar

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

2 medium eggs, lightly beaten

75gms unsalted butter, melted and cooled

3 ripe large bananas- 280gms (without the peel) - mashed well

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Wet and Dry Ingredients - Mixed together

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C) and place oven rack to middle position or if you are using a wire stand then the 'Low Rack'.

2. Butter and flour (or spray with a non stick vegetable/flour spray) the bottom and sides of each loaf pan. Set aside.

3. Place the nuts on a baking sheet and bake for about 8 to 10 minutes or until lightly toasted. Let cool and then chop coarsely. 

4. In a large bowl combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and mix lightly with a whisk. Now add the toasted nuts and the raisins. Set Aside.

5. In a medium-sized bowl beat the eggs with a whisk (by hand-no need to use a electric mixer), Now add the Vanilla Essence and keep mixing.
Add the Mashed Bananas and the Melted and Cooled Butter and Mix Well.

Baking Tins
Cooling over the Wire Rack
With a rubber spatula or wooden spoon, lightly fold the wet ingredients (banana mixture) into the dry ingredients just until combined and the batter is thick and chunky. (The important thing is not to over mix the batter. You do not want it smooth. Over mixing the batter will yield tough, rubbery bread.)

6. Scrape batter into both the prepared pans. Bake each pan until bread is dark golden brown and a  toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 35-40minutes.
7. Place on a wire rack to cool and then remove the bread from the pan.

Serve warm or at room temperature

Note: Vegetarians can replace the eggs with Butter Milk (2 large Eggs = 1 cup buttermilk)

Banana Bread

Thankfully it was done within and an hour and half and ready to be gobbled up with our evening tea..
Well that's it for now.. Remember not to dump the overripe bananas into the trash instead bake a lovely bread with it.. Thanks for reading..Ciao Ciao and Keep Doing What you Love!!
P.S: Bananas always somehow remind me of the Minions!! hehe!